13th May 2024

Today marks the start of Foster Care Fortnight, The Fostering Network’s UK-wide annual campaign that shines a spotlight on fostering and shows how foster care transforms lives.
We’re proud to celebrate our HSC NI foster carers and everything they do to support children and young people, and give them the opportunity to grow and succeed.
This year’s theme is #FosteringMoments. Throughout the fortnight, we’ll be sharing some of the moments that matter most to those within our fostering community on our social platforms. The moments that built confidence, made children and young people feel safe, and created memories. If you haven’t followed us already, you’ll find us on Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).
More foster carers are needed across Northern Ireland to provide safe, stable and nurturing homes for children and young people who are unable to live with their birth families. This may for anything from a few days or weeks, a few months or for the rest of their childhood. There are lots of different ways you can help depending on your lifestyle and commitments.
Could you give a child a brighter future? Could you foster?
Get in touch with us to find out more:
Call 0800 0720 137 on fill out our online enquiry form