20th October 2023

Suzy* (13), Alex* (15) and Peter* (12) need long-term foster homes within the Northern area.
You can read their full profiles below:
If you would like to find out more about fostering any of these young people, come along to our virtual information session to hear from their social workers.
Date: | Thursday 26 October 2023 |
Time: | 7.00pm -8.30pm |
To register: | Call 0800 0720 137 or email your contact details to: info@fostering.hscni.net |
SUZY*, 13

Suzy* is 13 with bright blue eyes, shoulder length brown hair and an infectious smile. She is a kind and caring young girl with a lovely personality.
Suzy has been in short-term foster care and requires a long-term home until she can live independently.
She is a very loveable girl, with a great personality. She is lots of fun to be around and loves meeting new people and making friends. She likes lots of attention and can get overexcited sometimes. She is curious and likes to ask a lot of questions and is very chatty.
Sometimes she feels anxious and finds it hard to tell people what is on her mind, although she is trying to get better at this as she does feel better when she talks things through. She is becoming better at relaxing and spending some time by herself. She loves affection and having one on one time with her foster carer. She is thoughtful and likes to buy presents for her siblings and foster family.
Suzy is in third year at secondary school where she has lots of friends. Her favourite subjects are HE and Music. She is in the school choir and always takes part in school shows and plays! If possible, she would like to stay at her current school.
Suzy loves fashion, hair and make-up. She is learning to do different types of make-up, and loves practising this! She takes pride in her appearance and is good at looking after her personal hygiene.
She loves to sing and dance, and listen to music. Suzy enjoys any outings; her favourites are shopping, going to Starbucks, the cinema, the amusements, and the beach. She is very active and always on the go, and sometimes she finds it hard to focus on doing one thing at a time.
Suzy has a really good appetite and loves eating any kind of food, even vegetables. She likes to have treats too and loves trying different drinks from Starbucks.
Suzy has family time with her siblings once a month.
Suzy would be best suited to living in a two adult household, and she enjoys having one on one time with her foster carer. Suzy can live with other children in the home, some in and around her age and not overly younger would be the preference. Suzy’s foster carers are not expected to be at home full-time as she is at school.
Ideally, Suzy’s foster carers would live in the North Coast and surrounding areas such as Ballycastle, Ballymoney, Coleraine, Portrush or Portstewart to allow her to remain at her school.
Suzy’s foster carers will receive fostering allowances and an additional £18,000 per annum, alongside ongoing social work support and training and development opportunities.
ALEX*, 15

Alex* is a very pleasant and thoughtful 15 year old. She is of average height, with long brown hair, and a gentle nature. She is confident to speak her mind and share her views. Alex needs a longer-term foster home to give her stability until she reaches independence.
Alex is outgoing and enjoys spending time with her friends, watching Netflix and Art. She is in fourth year and is very invested in the school and staying there is important to her, if possible. Her school attendance is exemplary and her favourite subject is Drama. She likes to spend time with friends and be involved in group activities.
Alex is very involved in the YMCA and Voice Of Young People In Care (VOYPIC) youth organisations and she thrives in these settings. Being part of the VOYPIC group has given her the opportunity to travel to a convention in Geneva, where she was able to speak in respect of the needs of a child in care and her own experiences.
Alex has a lovely relationship with her siblings and has family time once a month, which is really important to her.
Alex can struggle with noisy environments at times and may need some time out. However, she can identify and manage this herself. She likes alone time when the environment is too much, and she enjoys the comfort of her own space.
Alex would like to live with an active, outgoing foster family (either one or two adult household) to help her thrive and meet challenges with ease, preferably in the Antrim, Ballymena or Ballymoney areas. Alex’s foster carer(s) is not expected to be at home full-time as she attends school. Alex would be best suited in a home where she is the only or youngest child.
Alex’s foster carer(s) will receive fostering allowances and an additional £18,000 per annum alongside ongoing social work support and training and development opportunities.
PETER*, 12

Peter* has just turned 12, is around 5ft with a slim build, has mid-brown hair and brown eyes. He likes to keep his hair short. Peter presents as a child younger than his age. He needs a long-term foster home where he can grow and develop.
Peter really enjoys football and being part of a team, both inside and outside school. He is really good at it and this gives him a sense of achievement. He also likes to play computer games, ride his bike and be active. Peter likes animals, especially dogs, and helps out looking after family pets. He also enjoys go-carting and dirt bikes. As much as Peter likes to be active, he also enjoys quiet time playing his games.
Peter has been through a lot of difficult experiences in his young life. He does not like to talk about his feelings and emotions. Peter is keen to please and fit in. He will like to be part of a family and participate in family activities.
Peter in currently in first year in secondary school. He tries hard at school and likes to do well. He doesn’t like to be late or he can get very anxious and his attendance is excellent.
Peter thrives on routine and a structured day. He likes to know his schedule in advance so he will not feel anxious. He can manage extra activities, sports and interests but needs to be prepared and involved. He can need a lot of adult involvement initially with a new activity to get over the hurdle to attend.
Peter has family time with his siblings, which remains important to him.
We are looking for a one or two adult household who can support Peter and help him manage his anxiety and sometimes sadness being apart from his family. Peter’s foster carer(s) would not be expected to be at home full-time as he is at school but they would have to facilitate or arrange school transport. Peter would be best placed in a home where he is the only child or youngest child and not in a home where there is a child with additional needs, as Peter will benefit from a foster carer(s) who can give him lots of reassurance and commit time to him.
Ideally, Peter’s foster carers would live within travelling distance to Coleraine/ Ballymoney areas but we would also welcome enquiries to foster Peter from other areas.
Peter’s foster carer(s) will receive fostering allowances and an additional £18,000 per annum alongside ongoing social work support and training and development opportunities.
*names changed and stock images used to protect young people’s identities
If you cannot make the virtual information session, and are interested in hearing more about any of these young people, please give us a call on 0800 0720 137 or fill out our short online enquiry form.