12th October 2020

Adoption Week 2020 is running from Monday 12th – Sunday 17th October 2020!
This year we are celebrating all the HSC Northern Ireland adopters and the impact they have made on the children and young people’s lives in their care!
This week we will be sharing some videos from our adoptive parents as well as some information on the process to becoming an adopter.
Follow us on Facebook & Twitter to keep up-to-date with everything that is going on this week. Get involved – follow us, send us a tweet or a comment!
Follow Health and Social Care Board on Facebook & Twitter too as they will be posting some content from some amazing HSC adopters too!
If you’d like to find out more about adopting with us click here.
#AdoptionNI #AdoptionChangesLives
“I cannot imagine our lives without them.”
Listen to Lynne and Brian share their adoption experience:
Adoption Changes Lives – Lynne and Brian from HSC Board on Vimeo.
Feargal & Eugene:
Judith & Neill: