2nd March 2022

We are hosting a ‘Faces of Fostering’ networking event for anyone who would like to find out about becoming a HSC NI foster carer.
Venue: | Armagh City Hotel |
Date: | Monday 14 March |
Time: | From 7.00pm |
Our team will provide an overview of fostering, the approval process and tell you about the support and training we offer our foster carers.
You will have the opportunity to move around the room and chat to our social workers and hear about the different types of foster care available. Our team will also be happy to answer any questions you may have about fostering.
Types of foster care include:
➡Short term
➡Long term
➡Short breaks
➡Fostering Young Refugees
➡Parent and Baby
➡Supported Lodgings / STAY
Come along and meet some of the faces involved in fostering who can help you decide what type of fostering might suit you, your family and your lifestyle.
To register for this event:
Call us 0800 0720 137 or email your name, postcode & telephone no. to: info@fostering.hscni.net