15th March 2021

Ryan* is an adventurous and energetic little 3 year old who is always on the go! He loves playing football, flying along on his Flickr scooter and finding muddy puddles to jump in.
Ryan loves superheroes, especially Spiderman. He loves dressing up and running round the house, shooting webs to catch the bad guys!
Ryan is great at imaginary play and loves acting out little battles and rescues with his toys.
Ryan enjoys being part of his foster carer’s weekly ‘big shop’. He loves sitting up in the trolley and has great fun scanning all the items as they walk around the store.
Ryan loves painting and colouring in. He is great at building jigsaws and can put these together very quickly. He enjoys the ‘clicking’ sound and the sensation of the pieces fitting together.
Ryan had a difficult start in life and is a typical toddler who likes to get his own way. He can be prone to temper tantrums and sometimes appears to be in his own little world.
Ryan needs an adoptive family who will love and support him as he grows and can understand how important routines and consistency are in helping him feel safe. He would benefit from being the only child or the youngest child in his adoptive home, with enough of an age gap for him to get lots of care and attention.
You do not need to live within the Western Health & Social Care Trust and may live anywhere in Northern Ireland.
To hear more about Ryan contact Roisin Lynch on 074 6449 3576 or email: roisin.lynch@westerntrust.hscni.net
If you’d like to find out more about adopting with us click here.
*name changed and stock images of similar child used to protect his identity