3rd March 2023

Rosie* is an energetic 2 year old who loves to giggle. She has curly brown hair and a beautiful smile.
She loves being outside, being on the swings and bouncing on her mini trampoline. Rosie loves playing with bubbles, and any toys that have lights, sounds and interesting textures.
Rosie takes delight in going to her sensory class and enjoys being with other children – she loves to smile and giggle along with all her friends.
Rosie receives a lot of support with her development. She has a special chair and buggy and is likely to go to a special needs school in the future. Rosie has cerebral palsy and difficulty with swallowing – she has a tube in place to make sure she gets all the nutrients she needs.
Rosie’s foster carers have loved and treasured her and are looking forward to helping an adoptive family get to know and love her. Rosie needs a forever family and we are looking for a family who could adopt Rosie.
Rosie’s new family will receive training, funding and continual support from all the professionals involved in her life to make sure that together both they and Rosie can flourish in family life.
If you live anywhere in Northern Ireland and would like to find out more about Rosie, please get in touch on 0800 0720 137, email info@fostercare.hscni.net, or complete our enquiry form.
*Name changed to protect child’s identity.