6th October 2023
Sarah Jane is 4 years old. She loves to play in her toy kitchen. She also enjoys jigsaws, puzzles and matching cards game. Her favourite TV show is Peppa Pig. She is very helpful around the house and likes to get involved in daily activities and chores. She loves water play, and being outside with her wellie boots on splashing in puddles. She also likes to take her dolls for walks in their pram with her handbag, keys and toy phone.
Sarah Jane loves to make people laugh and has a really infectious giggle. Like most 4 year olds she usually wants to follow her own agenda, but she can be easily refocused to any task that she has been asked to do. Sarah Jane is a great sleeper and enjoys a healthy diet.
Sarah Jane has scoliosis. This means her spine curves to the left side more than it should. To correct this, Sarah Jane wears a plaster jacket. Sarah Jane has adapted so well to wearing the jacket and it does not stop her one bit!
Sarah Jane also has a genetic condition which can cause some developmental delay or impact her speech. Sarah Jane is reviewed by the Child Development Clinic who are delighted with her progress at present, however, she will continue to be regularly reviewed.
Sarah Jane has a statement of special educational needs and attends a nursery for children with additional learning needs. Sarah Jane’s statement identifies that she would benefit from a learning unit within a mainstream setting however there currently are no places available and she has therefore remained in her special school.
Sarah Jane urgently needs a forever family who can love her and support her to continue to thrive with the amazing progress she has made so far. Sarah Jane could live in a family with other siblings or be the only child in the home anywhere in Northern Ireland. Sarah Jane’s adopters will receive an enhanced allowance as well as adoption allowance.
If you would like to find out more about Sarah Jane please get in touch with us.
Call 0800 0720 137 or fill out our online enquiry form